Willkommen auf den Seiten der Gruppe Oberflächen- und Grenzflächenphysik
An Grenzflächen können Strukturen auf feinster Skala gestaltet werden, die uns einzigartigen Zugang zur Erprobung neuartiger Wirkmechanismen bieten. Unsere Forschung richtet sich auf die Kopplung von physikalischen, chemischen und biologischen Bausteinen auf der Nanometer Skala.
Welcome to the pages of the research group Physics of Surfaces and Interfaces
At interfaces structures can be arranged on small scale, which offers unique possibilities to find and investigate novel effects. We study mechanisms and processes in the coupling of physical, chemical, and biologic structures on the nanometer scale.
- November 2024: Eric Lieberwirth received a teaching award for his tutorials in summer term
- September 2023: Hannes Wallner defended his master thesis on the discovery of hidden periodic orbits in dynamic force microscopy. This is a collaboration with the group of scientific computating, at the Institute of Mathematics (J. Starke)
- September 2023: Anton Schün defended his bachelor thesis on surface charge mitigation of conductive polymer coatings
- May 2023: Congratulations to Mirco Wendt for winning the poster prize "Evaluating the performance of ionic liquid coatings for mitigation of spacecraft surface charges" at the 14th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth System Observation
- 2022 Finn Rüge has concluded his staatsexam thesis on thermal and light-induced desorption of tetracene
- December 2022: Juliane Thies defended her master thesis on TiN coatings for implants
- November 2022: Jörg Heller has defended his master thesis on assembly of Cu phthalocyanines in the vicinity of plasmonic nanoparticles
- September 2022: Alex Kreis hast defended his bachelor thesis on effects of synovial fluid components on nanotribology of material surfaces of endoprosthetic joints
- 2022 Eric Lieberwirth has concluded his staatsexam thesis on analyses of the outer membrane of vital mitochondria
- 2022 Wanda Witte defended her bachelor thesis and their role in electric field landscapes
- In 2021 the following students have graduated: Willi Karberg (staatsexam thesis on charged molecule aggregate structures for cell adhesion) and Franziska Dorn (master thesis on ionic liquid coating for scanning electron microscopy studies)
- November 2021: The new collaborative research centre "Light Matter Interactions at Interfaces" (LiMatI) will start January 1st, 2022
- May 2021: We are pleased with the prolongation of the CRC Electrically active implants (ELAINE)
- In 2020 the following students have graduated: Mirco Wendt (master thesis on structuring of surface charges), Sakhir Shibli (master thesis on molecule aggregation in optical near fields), Issam Assi (master thesis on molecular stripe landscapes and osteoblast adhesion thereon), Annika Bergmann (master thesis on tunneling of tetracene-based aggregates)
- November 2020: Congratulations to Katharina Engster with the Fakultätspreis, best master thesis of the year in physics
- October 2020: Kevin Oldenburg has defended his PhD thesis "Correlative Imaging and Spectroscopy of Functional Layers Composed of Nanoparticles and Molecule Aggregates"
- September 2020: A new project has been started in cooperation with Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, on the topic of surfaces charges in connection with space weather
- March 2020: Max Ulbrich starts his ELAINE scholarship on "Membrane current distributions on adhered osteoblasts"
- In 2019 the following students graduated: Eric Andersen (master), Franziska Dorn (bachelor), Paul Lühe (bachelor), Max Ulbrich (master), Katharina Engster (master), Lukas Böttcher (master)
- Congratulations to Paul Lühe with the EPL poster award for his contribution "Roughness and wettability assessment of substrates with regard to cell adhesion" on the DPG spring meeting
- 2018 graduates: Mirco Wendt (bachelor), Christoph Bauschke (master), Cordelia Horns (bachelor), Annika Bergmann (Staatsexamen), Annelie Marx (Staatsexamen)
- 2017 graduates: Christian Völkner (master), Lennart Groß (bachelor), Jannis Becker (bachelor)
- June 2017: We are pleased about the new possibilities of interdisciplinary research on "Material surface charges and their influence on cell physiology and morphology" within the recently granted DFG collaborative research center 1270 "ELectrically Active ImplaNts (ELAINE)"
- December 2016: Hannes Hartmann has defended his PhD thesis "Light-Matter Interaction of deposited molecule aggregates and free silver nanoparticles"
- September 2015: Finally, our group has moved to the new location at Campus South. A number of our labs is located in the souterrain of the physics building, our interdisciplinary labs are situated in the life, light, matter building
- Fall 2015: Our new master programme Physics of Life, Light, Matter research starts. Study language is english, applications from students all over the world are welcome
- July 2013: The project Influence of the local environment on the energy transfer in molecular aggregates in the framework of SFB 652 has been included in our research
- May 2013: We are member of the department Life, Light, Matter of the Faculty of Interdisciplinary Research, which has been developed as a cross-link between the nine faculties at the University of Rostock
A new research group Physics of Surface and Interfaces, which is part of the Institute of Physics has been installed in the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences.
Prof. Dr. Sylvia Speller was appointed professor of Physics at the University of Rostock as of March 2012.
Speller was born in Haren (Ems), Germany and studied physics at the University of Osnabrück where she completed her PhD and Habilitation, 2001 she was appointed full professor at the Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands.