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- J Zivkovic, L Janssen, F Alvarado, HA Heus, and S Speller
Force spectroscopy of Rev-peptide-RRE interaction from HIV-1
Soft Matter, 8:2103, 2012. [http|pdf] - M van der Maas, S Vasnyov, BLM Hendriksen, OI Shklyarevskii, and S Speller
Electron scattering effects at physisorbed hydrogen molecules on break-junction electrodes and nanowires formation in hydrogen environment
Low Temperature Physics, 2012. [www|pdf] - G Salassa, MJJ Coenen, SJ Wezenberg, BLS Hendriksen, S Speller, JAAW Elemans, and AW Kleij
Extremely Strong Self-Assembly of a Bimetallic Salen Complex Visualized at the Single-Molecule Level
J Am Chem Soc, 134:7186, 2012. [http|pdf] - MJJ Coenen, M Cremers, D den Boer, FJ van den Bruele, T Khoury, M Sintic, MJ Crossley, WJP van Enckevort, BLM Hendriksen, JAAW Elemans, and S Speller
Little exchange at the liquid/solid interface: defect-mediated equilibration of physisorbed porphyrin monolayers
Chem Commun, 47:9666, 2011. [http|pdf] - D den Boer, OI Shklyarevski, MJJ Coenen, M van der Maas, T Peters, JAAW Elemans, and S Speller
Mechano-Catalysis: Cyclohexane Oxidation in a Silver Nanowire Break Junction
J Phys Chem, 115:8295, 2011. [http|pdf] - D den Boer, T Habets, MJJ Coenen, M van der Maas, TPJ Peters, MJ Crossley, T Khoury, AE Rowan, RJM Nolte, S Speller, and JAAW Elemans
Controlled Templating of Porphyrins by a Molecular Command Layer
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Interlaboratory round robin on cantilever calibration for AFM force spectroscopy
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AFM topography and friction studies of hydrogen-bonded bilayers of functionalized alkanethiols
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Axial ligand control over monolayer and bilayer formation of metal-salophens at the liquid.solid interface
ChemComm, 46:2548, 2010. [http|pdf] - J Zivkovic, L Janssen, HA Heus, M Mitrovic, B Tadic, and S Speller
Network theory approach for data evaluation in the dynamic force spectroscopy of biomolecular interactions
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Molecular Friction as a Tool to Identify Functionalized Alkanethiols
Langmuir, 26:6357, 2010. [http|pdf] - EV Dubrovin, JW Gerritsen, J Zivkovic, IV Yaminsky, and S Speller
The effect of underlying octadecylamine monolayer on the DNA conformation on the graphite surface
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Electron transport through CO studied by gold break-junction in non-polar liquids
J Phys Chem C, 113:15412, 2009. [http|pdf] - B Hulsken, JAAW Elemans, JW Gerritsen, T Khoury, MJ Crossley, AE Rowan, RJM Nolte, and Speller S
STM studies of the self-assembly of manganese porphyrin catalysts at the Au(111)-n-tetradecane interface
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Scanning Tunnelling Spectroscopy on Arrays of CdSe Quantum Dots: Response of Wave Functions to Local Electric Fields
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Theoretical study of the stable radicals galvinoxyl, azagalvinoxyl and wurster's blue perchlorate in the solid state
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Manufacturing substrate nano-grooves for studying cell alignment and adhesion
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Linewidth of resonances in scanning tunneling spectroscopy
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Out-of-plane magnetic domain structure in a thin film of La0.67Sr0.33MnO3 on SrTiO3(001) observed by magnetic force microscopy
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Low-temperature dissociative adsorption of H on W, Mo, and Ta surfaces studied with mechanically controllable break-junctions
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Aluminum nanowires: Influence of work hardening on conductance histograms
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Supramolecular porphyrin polymers in solution and at the solid-liquid interface
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Distinct kinetic and mechanical properties govern alcam-mediated interactions as shown by single molecule force spectroscopy
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Giant porphyrin disks: Control of their self-assembly at liquid-solid interfaces through metal-ligand interactions
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Bias dependence of W, Mo and Ta conductance histograms
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Nonspecific Protein Adsorption at the Single Molecule Level Studied by Atomic Force Microscopy
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Real-time single-molecule imaging of oxidation catalysis at a liquid-solid interface
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The threshold at which substrate nanogroove dimensions may influence fibroblast alignment and adhesion
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Macroscopic hierarchical surface patterning of porphyrin trimers via self-assembly and dewetting
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AFM studies of beta-sheet block copolymers at solid surfaces: High-resolution structures and aggregation dynamics
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One-dimensional structural and electronic properties of magnetite Fe3O4 (110)
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Galvinoxyl monolayers on Au(111) studied by STM, EPR, and cyclic voltammetry
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Nano-magnetic Probing on Magnetite (110)
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Can scanning tunnelling spectroscopy measure the density of states of semiconductor quantum dots?
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Size-dependent single-particle energy levels and interparticle Coulomb interactions in CdSe quantum dots measured by scanning tunneling spectroscopy
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Fibril formation by triblock copolymers of silklike beta-sheet polypeptides and poly(ethylene glycol)
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Scanning Tunneling Microscopy Studies of Porphyrins at Solid-Liquid Interfaces
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Towards Spin-polarized STM on Magnetite(110)
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Atomic-size oscillations in conductance histograms for gold nanowires and the influence of work hardening
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Conductance of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite nanocontacts
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Dynamic combinatorial olefin metathesis: templated synthesis of porphyrin boxes
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Advanced scanning probes for innovative nanoscience and technology (ASPRINT)
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Measuring the Au(111) surface state at the solid-liquid interface
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Adsorption of oxygen on Pt3Sn(110) studied by STM
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Conductance of Pd-H nanojunctions
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Tuning surface state dimensionality in Cu nanostripes
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Field and temperature induced effects in the surface modification process
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Quantum interference structures in the conductance plateaus of gold nanojunctions
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Synthesis and self-assembly of giant porphyrin discs
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Scanning Probe Studies of Porphyrin Assemblies and Their Supramolecular Manipulation at a Solid-Liquid Interface
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Adsorbate induced nanostructuring of vicinal surfaces: The Ag-Cu System
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Transition from tunneling to direct contact in tungsten nanojunctions
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Surface electronic structure of a vicinal Cu crystal
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Fractional conductance in hydrogen-embedded gold nanowires
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Driving forces for Ag-induced periodic faceting of vicinal Cu(111)
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Test of structural models for the (4 x 4) phase formed by oxygen adsorption on the Pt3Sn(111) surface
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Adsorption of oxygen on Pt3Sn studied by scanning tunneling microscopy and x-ray photoelectron diffraction
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One-dimensional Ag-Cu superlattices on vicinal Cu(111)
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Structure of Pt3Sn(110) studied by scanning tunneling microscopy
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Adsorbate-induced reconstruction and overlayer structures of sulfur on Ir(110): An STM study
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Electron wave function at a vicinal surface: Switch from terrace to step modulation
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Scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy of S on Pd(111)
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The Au3Pd(001) surface studied by ion scattering and LEED
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Surface structures of S on Pd(111)
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Surface structure and segregation profile of the alloy Au3Pd(110): Experiment and theory
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Surface structure and composition of the alloy Au3Pd(100) determined by LEED and ion scattering spectroscopy
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Metastable and equilibrium structures on Pt3Sn(001) studied by STM, RHEED, LEED, and AES
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Reconstruction and dislocation network formation of the (111) surface of the ordered alloy Pt3Sn
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A round robin experiment of elemental sensitivity factors in low-energy ion scattering
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The Ir(110) surface studied by STM
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The structure of the Au3Pd(113) surface studied by low energy ion scattering
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Surface reconstruction of the Ir(110) surface
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Structural parameters of Pd(110) and Pt(110)-(1x2) in the temperature range 300-900 K studied by low-energy ion scattering
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An STM, AES and LEED study of the segregated sulfur on Pd(111)
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The Pt(110) surface studied by STM and RHEED
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Subsurface islands and superstructures of Cu on Pb(111)
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Direct Observation of a New Growth Mode: Subsurface Island Growth of Cu on Pb(111)
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Direct Observation of a New Growth Mode: Subsurface Island Growth of Cu on Pb(111)
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STM and RHEED experiments on non-equilibrium surface structures of the Au(110) surface
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